Through this link, you can give your tithe, donate to the building program, make a one-time or recurring donation to the church. Simply add a note on the Paypal payment site if donating to the building program. God bless!
St. Michael’s Orthodox Church: Time to Build Campaign
St. Michael’s Church was founded in 2002 and is one of only two Orthodox Churches in the Tennessee Valley region. According US Census data, the population of the Tennessee Valley is 1.1 million! Since our small beginnings, our church has experienced so much growth, that we can no longer fit within our small building.
In November 2016, by God’s Providence and with our Bishop’s blessing, St. Michael’s Church purchased a beautiful 9.5 acre piece of wooded land on a hillside on which to build a new Church and Fellowship Hall. The Preliminary Site Plan is shown at right. Located at 8122 Madison Blvd. in Madison, Alabama, you can see our driveway going up the hill with the main part of the property shown in the rectangular area at the top of the drawing. In addition to the Church and Fellowship Hall, St. Michael’s plans to develop the only Orthodox Cemetery in the Tennessee Valley shown in the upper right as well as a Picnic Shelter, Children’s Playground, Parsonage and Walking Trails.
Church members at St. Michael’s have put in over 1,000 hours of volunteer work: pulling tree stumps, running tree limbs through the wood chipper and installing silt fencing.
Our Bishop Longin visited us in October 2017 and an outdoor service was held in which he performed the traditional blessing of the new church site. A large Orthodox Cross was placed in the spot where the new church will be built one day.
The drawing at right shows the Church with the Fellowship Hall underneath. The plans include 4,000 square feet for the Church and 4,000 square feet for the Hall which will provide space for Sunday School Classrooms, Library, Office and Fellowship Hall. The central dome will be over fifty feet in height and will be visible to those passing by the surrounding area.
Now that the trees have been cleared from the building areas, the contractors have been busy preparing the site for the future buildings, parking, stormwater system and utilities. This is a view from the north side of the property looking toward the south. The foreground shows the parking area and the area beyond the trailer is where the Church building will be located.
Here’s how you can help. The church and fellowship hall building is estimated to cost $3,292,265. St. Michael’s has been approved for a construction loan but the bank has required that we have 20% equity, (which we had, until the cost of the utilities installation doubled and our appraisal came in unusually low)!
At this time, St. Michael’s is short by $239,315 before we can obtain the rest of the construction financing. We are working hard to raise this final amount so that we can move forward with the construction by the first of the year 2024. Please consider making a “Christmas Gift” to St. Michael’s this month to help us ‘get over the hump.’ Checks may be mailed to St. Michael’s Orthodox Church, 4319 Spartacus Drive, Huntsville, AL 35805 or by clicking the donation link to make an online donation with PayPal or a Credit or Debit card. Thank you for your consideration! Please contact Fr. Gregory at frgregory1@gmail.com for more information. God bless you!
Time to Build Campaign

Here is the link to register for the 11th annual St Michael's retreat

Our new regular church office hours are as posted here. Pastoral needs take priority, so please call first if you need to see Fr. Gregory during these times.
Tuesdays 10 am – 4 pm
Wednesdays 12 pm – 6 pm
Thursdays 10 am – 4 pm
St. Michael the Archangel
Orthodox Church
4319 Spartacus Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35805